Технофорум 2024 Реклама
Технофорум 2024 Реклама

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Anycubic Kossel linear plus

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принтер Anycubic Kossel linear plus с платой манта8. 

[include mainsail.cfg]

[include accelerometer.cfg]

#[include generic-bigtreetech-xxx.cfg]

# host MCU service is preinstalled and ready to use with:

[mcu CB1]

serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu


serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32h723xx_1D0021001151313236343430-if00


[delayed_gcode bed_mesh_init]

initial_duration: .01



[gcode_macro START_PRINT]


    {% set BED_TEMPERATURE = params.BED_TEMP|default(60)|float %}

    {% set EXTRUDER_TEMPERATURE = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default(190)|float %}


    # Wait for bed to reach temperature


# This file contains common pin mappings for the BIGTREETECH Manta M8P V2.0

# To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the

# STM32H723 with a "128KiB bootloader" "25 MHz crystal"

# and "USB (on PA11/PA12)", "CAN bus (on PD0/PD1)" or Serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9).

# See docs/Config_Reference.md for a description of parameters.


resolution: 1.0

# An arc will be split into segments. Each segment's length will

# equal the resolution in mm set above. Lower values will produce a

# finer arc, but also more work for your machine. Arcs smaller than

# the configured value will become straight lines. The default is

# 1mm.


#cs_pin: adxl:gpio9

# The SPI enable pin for the sensor. This parameter must be provided.

#spi_speed: 5000000

# The SPI speed (in hz) to use when communicating with the chip.

# The adxl345 is 5000000.





# See the "common SPI settings" section for a description of the

# above parameters.

#axes_map: x, y, z

# The accelerometer axis for each of the printer's X, Y, and Z axes.

# This may be useful if the accelerometer is mounted in an

# orientation that does not match the printer orientation. For

# example, one could set this to "y, x, z" to swap the X and Y axes.

# It is also possible to negate an axis if the accelerometer

# direction is reversed (eg, "x, z, -y"). The default is "x, y, z".

#rate: 3200

# Output data rate for ADXL345. ADXL345 supports the following data

# rates: 3200, 1600, 800, 400, 200, 100, 50, and 25. Note that it is

# not recommended to change this rate from the default 3200, and

# rates below 800 will considerably affect the quality of resonance

# measurements.

# Motor1


step_pin: PE6

dir_pin: PE5

enable_pin: !PC14

microsteps: 16

rotation_distance: 40

endstop_pin: ^PF4

#position_endstop: 275.4

homing_retract_dist: 5

second_homing_speed: 5

step_pulse_duration: 0.000004

homing_speed: 50

#arm_length = 267

# Motor2


step_pin: PE2

dir_pin: PE1

enable_pin: !PE4

microsteps: 16

rotation_distance: 40

endstop_pin: ^PF3

#position_endstop: 275.4 

step_pulse_duration: 0.000004

homing_speed: 50

# Motor3


step_pin: PB8

dir_pin: !PB7

enable_pin: !PE0

microsteps: 16

rotation_distance: 40

endstop_pin: ^PF2

#position_endstop: 275.4

step_pulse_duration: 0.000004

homing_speed: 50

## Motor4

# The M8P only has 4 heater outputs which leaves an extra stepper

# This can be used for a second Z stepper, dual_carriage, extruder co-stepper,

# or other accesory such as an MMU


#step_pin: PB4

#dir_pin: PB3

#enable_pin: !PB6

#endstop_pin: ^PF1


[thermistor dyze500]

temperature1: 25.

resistance1: 4500000

temperature2: 200.

resistance2: 8070

temperature3: 400.

resistance3: 253


# Motor5


step_pin: PG13

dir_pin: PG12

enable_pin: !PG15

microsteps: 8

rotation_distance: 4.5

nozzle_diameter: 0.4

filament_diameter: 1.75

heater_pin: PA0 # HE0

sensor_pin: PB0 # T0

sensor_type: dyze500

#control: pid

#pid_Kp: 22.2

#pid_Ki: 1.08

#pid_Kd: 114

min_temp: 0

max_temp: 480


#retract_length: 3

#retract_speed: 50

#unretract_extra_length: 3

#unretract_speed: 50

## End-Stop 5

#[filament_switch_sensor material_0]

#switch_pin: PF0

## Motor6


#step_pin: PG9

#dir_pin: PD7

#enable_pin: !PG11 

#heater_pin: PA1 # HE1 

#sensor_pin: PC5 # T1


## End-Stop 6

#[filament_switch_sensor material_1]

#switch_pin: PC15

## Motor7


#step_pin: PD4

#dir_pin: PD3

#enable_pin: !PD6

#heater_pin: PA3 # HE2

#sensor_pin: PC4 # T2


## Motor8


#step_pin: PC7

#dir_pin: PC8

#enable_pin: !PD2

#heater_pin: PA5 # HE3

#sensor_pin: PA7 # T3



heater_pin: PF5

sensor_pin: PB1 # TB 

sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2

control: watermark

min_temp: -1

max_temp: 130

#[fan_generic soc-fan]

#pin: host:gpio79 #CB1

#pin: host:gpio26 #CM4

# Fan0


pin: PF7

## Fan1

[heater_fan fan1]

pin: PF9

## Fan2

[heater_fan fan2]

pin: PF6

## Fan3

#[heater_fan fan3]

#pin: PF8

## Fan4

#[heater_fan fan4]

#pin: PA4

## Fan5

#[heater_fan fan5]

#pin: PA6

#tachometer_pin: PC2

## Fan6

#[heater_fan fan6]

#pin: PA2

#tachometer_pin: PC1

# Enable object exclusion


# Enable arcs support


resolution: 0.1


pin: PD13                               

z_offset: 15.153268                 

speed: 30                  

samples: 3                        

sample_retract_dist: 3  


radius: 115

speed: 50 

horizontal_move_z: 100



horizontal_move_z: 20

mesh_radius: 115

mesh_origin: 0, 0

round_probe_count: 5


#shaper_type_x = ei

#shaper_freq_x = 35.8

#shaper_type_y = ei

#shaper_freq_y = 39.2


max_accel: 8000 # should not exceed the estimated max_accel for X and Y axes


kinematics: delta

max_velocity: 500

max_accel: 3000

max_z_velocity: 200

#delta_radius: 134.4


# TMC2208 configuration


## Motor1

[tmc2208 stepper_a]

uart_pin: PC13

run_current: 0.800

interpolate: true

hold_current: 0.3 

uart_address = 0

stealthchop_threshold: 999999

## Motor2

[tmc2208 stepper_b]

uart_pin: PE3

run_current: 0.800

interpolate: true

hold_current: 0.3 

uart_address = 0

stealthchop_threshold: 999999

## Motor3

[tmc2208 stepper_c]

uart_pin: PB9

run_current: 0.800

interpolate: true

hold_current: 0.3 

uart_address = 0

stealthchop_threshold: 999999

## Motor4

#[tmc2209 stepper_]

#uart_pin: PB5

##diag_pin: PF1

#run_current: 0.650

#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

## Motor5

[tmc2208 extruder]

uart_pin: PG14

interpolate: False                

run_current: 0.5                   

hold_current: 0.2  

uart_address = 0

## Motor6

#[tmc2209 extruder1]

#uart_pin: PG10

#run_current: 0.800

#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

## Motor7

#[tmc2209 extruder2]

#uart_pin: PD5

#run_current: 0.800

#stealthchop_threshold: 999999

## Motor8

#[tmc2209 extruder3]

#uart_pin: PC6

#run_current: 0.800

#stealthchop_threshold: 999999



    # EXP1 header

    EXP1_1=PE7, EXP1_2=PG1,

    EXP1_3=PG0, EXP1_4=PF15,

    EXP1_5=PF14, EXP1_6=PF13, # Slot in the socket on this side

    EXP1_7=PF12, EXP1_8=PF11,

    EXP1_9=, EXP1_10=,

    # EXP2 header

    EXP2_1=PE13, EXP2_2=PE12,

    EXP2_3=PE15, EXP2_4=PE11,

    EXP2_5=PE10, EXP2_6=PE14, # Slot in the socket on this side

    EXP2_7=PE8, EXP2_8=,

    EXP2_9=, EXP2_10=

# See the sample-lcd.cfg file for definitions of common LCD displays.


#cs_pin: PA15

#spi_bus: spi3a


#sensor_pin: PD13

#control_pin: PD12

## Proximity switch


#pin: PD8

#[output_pin ps_on_pin]

#pin: PD14

#[neopixel my_neopixel_1]

#pin: PD15


#adc1: PC0

#adc2: PF10


#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.


#*# [extruder]

#*# control = pid

#*# pid_kp = 21.970

#*# pid_ki = 0.857

#*# pid_kd = 140.883


#*# [printer]

#*# delta_radius = 132.531639


#*# [stepper_a]

#*# angle = 210.437073

#*# arm_length = 267.000000

#*# position_endstop = 274.148472


#*# [stepper_b]

#*# angle = 330.403153

#*# arm_length = 267.000000

#*# position_endstop = 276.420072


#*# [stepper_c]

#*# angle = 90.000000

#*# arm_length = 267.000000

#*# position_endstop = 274.979939


#*# [input_shaper]

#*# shaper_type_x = ei

#*# shaper_freq_x = 40.4

#*# shaper_type_y = ei

#*# shaper_freq_y = 39.0


#*# [bed_mesh default]

#*# version = 1

#*# points =

#*# 0.499151, 0.499151, 0.499151, 0.499151, 0.499151

#*# 1.576807, 1.576807, 0.268427, -0.839804, -0.839804

#*# 2.380964, 1.452721, 0.337847, -0.718126, -1.060935

#*# 0.990664, 0.990664, 0.242555, -0.454876, -0.454876

#*# 0.353786, 0.353786, 0.353786, 0.353786, 0.353786

#*# x_count = 5

#*# y_count = 5

#*# mesh_x_pps = 2

#*# mesh_y_pps = 2

#*# algo = lagrange

#*# tension = 0.2

#*# min_x = -115.0

#*# max_x = 115.0

#*# min_y = -115.0

#*# max_y = 115.0


#*# [delta_calibrate]

#*# height0 = 15.153268

#*# height0_pos = 20803.333,20803.333,20803.333

#*# height1 = 15.153268

#*# height1_pos = 26050.667,26131.667,18054.333

#*# height2 = 15.153268

#*# height2_pos = 20227.667,29311.667,20260.333

#*# height3 = 15.153268

#*# height3_pos = 18106.333,25112.667,25139.333

#*# height4 = 15.153268

#*# height4_pos = 20122.667,20081.000,26462.000

#*# height5 = 15.153268

#*# height5_pos = 24505.000,18378.333,24470.667

#*# height6 = 15.153268

#*# height6_pos = 27799.000,20214.333,20195.667

начало УП из слайсера орка 

; external perimeters extrusion width = 0.40mm

; perimeters extrusion width = 0.40mm

; infill extrusion width = 0.40mm

; solid infill extrusion width = 0.40mm

; top infill extrusion width = 0.40mm

; first layer extrusion width = 0.40mm


; Pre-Processed for Cancel-Object support by preprocess_cancellation v0.2.0

; 1 known objects

EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE NAME=OrcaToleranceTest_stl_id_2749575_copy_0 CENTER=1.529,-0.604 POLYGON=[[-28.768,-7.0],[-28.768,7.0],[28.768,7.0],[28.768,-7.0]]

M73 P0 R19


M104 S140;start the nozzle preheat and don't wait

G21;metric values

G90;absolute positioning

M82;set extruder to absolute mode

M107;start with the fan off

G28;home all

M190 S80 ; set wait for bed temp

M109 S240; wait for extruder temp



M83 ; use relative distances for extrusion

; filament start gcode

M106 P3 S180

;Prevent PLA from jamming

M106 S0





;G92 E0.0


G1 E-6 F2400





G1 Z.4 F30000

G1 X0 Y-10.642

G1 Z.4

G1 Z.2

G1 E6 F2400



G1 F3000

G1 X25.968 Y-10.642 E.77103

G1 X27.734 Y-10.247 E.05372

G1 X28.897 Y-9.429 E.04223

G1 X31.597 Y-6.729 E.11337

G1 X32.566 Y-5.201 E.05372

G1 X32.811 Y-3.8 E.04223

G1 X32.811 Y4.2 E.23753

G1 X32.415 Y5.966 E.05372

G1 X31.597 Y7.129 E.04223

G1 X28.897 Y9.829 E.11337

G1 X27.369 Y10.798 E.05372

G1 X25.968 Y11.042 E.04223

G1 X-25.968 Y11.042 E1.54206

G1 X-27.734 Y10.647 E.05372

G1 X-28.897 Y9.829 E.04223

G1 X-31.597 Y7.129 E.11337

G1 X-32.566 Y5.601 E.05372

G1 X-32.811 Y4.2 E.04223

G1 X-32.811 Y-3.8 E.23753

G1 X-32.415 Y-5.566 E.05372

G1 X-31.597 Y-6.729 E.04223

G1 X-28.897 Y-9.429 E.11337

G1 X-27.369 Y-10.398 E.05372

G1 X-25.968 Y-10.642 E.04223

G1 X-.04 Y-10.642 E.76984

G1 X-.04 Y-10.285 F30000

G1 F3000

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