Кремень 1 Реклама
Кремень 2 Реклама

3d lad

Краткие характеристики:

Технология печати: Селективное лазерное спекание (SLS)

Все характеристики

Описание 3D-принтера «3d lad»

A 3D lab printer is an advanced piece of technology used in various scientific and industrial settings to create three-dimensional objects from digital models. It typically operates by layering material, such as plastic, resin, or metal, to build precise, complex structures with high accuracy. These printers are essential in research and development, allowing for the rapid prototyping of components, customized manufacturing, and the creation of detailed models for educational or experimental purposes. Features often include high resolution, multiple material compatibility, and the ability to produce intricate designs that would be difficult or impossible to create using traditional manufacturing methods.