Металл2024 Реклама
Метобр2024 Реклама

Обновилась Сura 2.6

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Вышла очередная версия Cura - 2.6

Релиз нотесы следующие:

Cura 2.6 - June 20, 2017
  • Local version folders. When installing a new version of Cura, a new local directory will be created to make it easy to access old configuration folders and return to old settings if necessary.
  • Better support profiles for stronger adhesion. Extra support settings were added to the Support Interface to allow the creation of profiles with better PVA/PLA adhesion.
  • Model auto-arrange. The algorithm for placing multiple models or multiplying the same ones has been improved, which allows faster and easier model positioning.
  • Support meshes. Users can load separate models as support structures.
  • Gradual infill. The Gradual Infill button has been added to the Recommended mode.
  • Mold printing. This is an experimental improvement allowing users to print a mold from a 3D model, which can be cast afterward with the material that you would like your model to have.
  • Tiny overhang towers. This new feature allows users to print towers to support small overhangs.
  • Cutting meshes. Users can easily transform any model into a dual-extrusion print by applying a pattern for the second extruder. All areas of the original model, which also fall inside the pattern model, will be printed by the extruder selected for the pattern.
  • Multi-extrusion support (custom FDM printers). Custom third-party printers or modifications now have multi-extrusion support. Thanks to our community member, fieldOfView, for contributing this feature.

New UI features
  • Extruder per model selection. Users can now select the necessary extruder in the right-click menu or extruder buttons.
  • Custom toggle. For a cleaner and more user-friendly interface, users can switch from Recommended to Custom mode via a new toggle button.
  • Plugin installer. The new Plugin Installer button makes it easier to select and install new plugins.
  • Project-based menu. With improved interface, it’s simpler to save and open files and projects.
  • Theme picker. Custom themes can be easily selected and applied in Preferences. Thanks to AlephObjects for contributing this.
  • Material compatibility information. The materials now have an information icon, which directs users to a web page showing the compatibility of the different materials.
  • Time estimates per feature. Users can check how the printing time is divided over selected features by hovering over the print time estimate in the lower right corner. Contributed by 14bitVoid.
  • New Ultimaker 3 profile names. Ultimaker 3 print profile names were updated for a better user experience.
  • Camera zoom inversion. Users have an option to invert mouse direction for a better user experience. This was contributed by nallath.
  • Olsson block upgrade. Ultimaker 2 users can now specify if they have the Olsson block installed on their machine. This was contributed by fieldOfView.
  • OctoPrint plugin. Cura 2.6 allows users to send prints to OctoPrint. Again, thanks to fieldOfView for this.

New third-party printer support
  • MAKEIT printers. Thanks to Austin-makeit for this contribution.
  • Add Alya definition. This was added by fieldOfView.
  • Add Peopoly Moai definition. This was also added by fieldOfView.
  • Rigid3D Zero printer profile. This was added by Rigid3D.
  • Add 3D maker printers to Cura. This was added by CRojasV.

Bug fixes

Cura 2.6 features several bug fixes and issues related to:
  • Post Processing plugin
  • Font rendering
  • Progress bar
  • Stair step support buttom distance

Из того что бросилось в глаза - поддержка OctoPrint! Ура, пробуем!

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